Sustainability & Social Commitment

Committed to sustainable development

Our goal is to contribute to healthcare all over the world by developing and manufacturing innovative medicinal products. As a pharmaceutical manufacturer, we have a special responsibility for our products. To prevent risks for consumers, our products are subject to continuous monitoring and testing to ensure their excellent quality. This also includes our modern manufacturing conditions. We consider it as our duty to pursue a sustainable and future-oriented development and therefore act in an economic, environmentally conscious and social manner.

Responsibility for the environment

When manufacturing medicinal products, we take our responsibility to save resources and to reduce our environmental impact seriously and are committed to continuously improving our environmental and energy-related performance as far as is economically feasible. We take advantage of many opportunities to save energy, for example, and thus contribute to protecting the climate. In addition, we strive to continuously increase the efficiency of the raw materials and packaging materials we use through adequate technical and organisational measures.

Responsibility for our employees

We believe that occupational safety is a managerial responsibility. For this reason, we ensure conditions within the company that enable all our employees to carry out their work in a safe and accident-free environment. Hazards and risks are systematically eliminated or minimised. Through structural measures, technical equipment, initial and further training of our employees and a close collaboration with the authorities, we ensure the safety of our employees and partners.

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